It is time for me to quit managing all of my Kubernetes configurations on a random number of servers and Git repos. Sadly, my usage of the Git repos has ONLY been used to perform backups of my code and not used as a way to manage configuration changes.

I have been running in DigitalOcean’s infrastructure since 2017, Member since 1/14/2017. I’ve steadily moved from just Droplets into their more managed infrastructure to include Kubernetes and App Platform. The App Platform is what sits in front of this website (something I’ll need to further document some day). I’m hoping to get some time to also tinker with their Functions but time is not always on my side.

As the title of this blog points out, I try to document my My Battles With Technology in order to remind myself how I have things setup but also to clarify where I diverged from examples I found on the Internet. Enough babbling, let’s get to it!

Failing at My First Attempt to Follow the Guide

As I stated, my next leap into the DevOps world was to try and integrate Github and my Kubernetes configuration. I thought this would be an awesome idea. In order to get started, I just did a really simple Google search for digitalocean kubernetes example which eventually lead me to a great tutorial authored by DigitalOcean, Enable Push-to-Deploy on DigitalOcean Kubernetes Using GitHub Actions. This article was a pretty mindless configuration as they covered all of the bases to get things going or so I thought. I followed the directions and pushed my commit and got an error during the build process:

Create a DigitalOcean Container Registry and add the registry name as a secret to your GitHub repository. Name the secret REGISTRY_NAME.


My registry name is testing-registry. It turns out that you actually need to provide the registry endpoint! I updated my REGISTRY_NAME secret to be the endpoint instead,, and re-ran the failed jobs.