LED Lighting

It’s time to get back to some lighting as I spent a little time enhancing my setup that I left off configuring in Making the Lights Dance. In my Building the RaspberryPi Christmas Light Box post, I blamed a friend for starting me down this path. Once again, I’m blaming a different friend for causing me to wander down the LED lighting road. This friend saw some of my posts regarding the simplistic lighting box I created, and they suggested that I tinker with WS2811 lights....

February 18, 2021 · 6 min · Scott

Making the Lights Dance

My previous post, Making the Little Lights Twinkle, covered my coding of the NodeJS server that could take simply relay numbers and command (on|off) and put them to use. Now that I have a server/service up and running, it was time for me to be able to control the lights. I removed my Orchestra of Lights and put my new Raspberry Pi hardware device in its place. The only downside is that my setup has 8 outlets and the Orchestra of Lights only had 6....

December 23, 2020 · 5 min · Scott

Making the Little Lights Twinkle

My previous post, Building the RaspberryPi Christmas Light Box, explained at a hight level building out the hardware. That step was a little scary than I think it should be but it all worked out just fine in the end. Now that I had everything put together and powered on, I was stuck here: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ What are the next steps? I’ve got this box all wired up and ready to go but now I’m just sitting at a prompt waiting....

December 17, 2020 · 8 min · Scott

Building the RaspberryPi Christmas Light Box

Disclosure: I have included some affiliate / referral links in this post. There’s no cost to you for accessing these links but I do indeed receive some incentive for it if you buy through them. Let’s Cover Some Background Here I have always enjoyed Christmas lights. For quite some time, I was very intrigued at the notion of putting the lights to music or at least making them dance in motion....

December 9, 2020 · 5 min · Scott